
My Experience Was Amazing!

My experience here was amazing! What I’m walking away with is priceless. Marian, what a gentle spirit you are and what a gift of intuition you have. Gary, you are a gentleman, scholar, cowboy, story-teller and comedian. Peace and blessings to you both...

Spiritual Journey

I knew I was suppose to meet you on my trip through the USA, so I can continue my spiritual journey and expand on all the wisdom and insights you provided me. What a great week!

Peace, Love, Joy

Where do I begin to thank you both for all the peace, love and joy I take back home with me? Thank you for opening up your hearts and sharing your gifts with me.

Simplicity and Humbleness

Your simplicity and humbleness are so refreshing. You both consistently exude love. I have a new understanding of spirituality and love.

What a Gift

What a gift you both are. I am truly grateful God placed me in your path. What an enlightening week!