Imagine a couples retreat or marriage retreat weekend (Thu-Mon, 5 days) where you and your partner experience empowering, relationship-changing workshops that provide you with the tools, ideas and resources that will enable you to forgive, heal, grow and connect as a couple, plus the beauty of awesome Sedona. You are a light in the world. Do you feel it? Or has your light been dimmed by you or someone else. Do you wish to return to being your true authentic self in your relationship?
Give yourself a couples retreat or marriage retreat that will positively empower and transform your connection, improve your relationship, develop your communication skills, bring you inner peace, and increase your self-love and emotional healing. Our marriage retreats are not the traditional marriage counseling you may have already experienced. There is less talking about the past and more about learning techniques that focus on your improved future. Past marriage retreat guests have often said they wished their therapist had shown them the ideas, tools and resources we provide. (This couples retreat was the best experience my wife and I ever had as a couple in our 10 years of marriage. We highly recommend it! – Mark & Brie, 2023)
Improve your life and your relationship now! Western Spirit is universally recognized as one of the best couples retreats and marriage retreats in the United States. 99% of our retreat guests over the past 23 years have rated their retreat at Western Spirit as “great”. Honestly! Learn why by completing our “INQUIRY FORM” now or call (602) 540-5808.
***Six important questions you should ask before you book your Sedona couples retreat or marriage retreat with Western Spirit or anyone else:
1. How much experience does the retreat organization have with marriage retreats and couples retreats and what are the qualifications of the retreat facilitator?
Western Spirit has been offering Sedona couples retreats and marriage retreats to guests worldwide since 2001 (that’s 23 years of experience!). Our retreat founder and workshop facilitator, Marian Carol, MS.Ed., has led hundreds of couples retreats and marriage retreats with thousands of guest couples and is featured in the book “The Top 101 Experts Who Help Us Improve Our Lives”. She is a gifted spiritual teacher, humanist, intuitive healer, meditation leader, and visionary who guides individuals and couples to create and attract harmony and mindfulness, peace and love in their lives and relationships. She is known throughout the world for her extensive holistic knowledge and experience, peaceful and gentle nature, and her playfulness, laughter and sense of humor. Please review our hundreds of testimonials from past couples retreats and marriage retreats, and our dozens of Google 5-star reviews.
2. What will I experience during this Sedona couples retreat or marriage retreat and will I achieve my personal retreat goals?
What you learn and achieve during your Sedona couples retreat or marriage retreat depends primarily on you. With the proper attitude, intention and follow-up, you will experience a strictly confidential, transformative, life-changing weekend of 1) self-discovery and inner reflection, 2) learn your real love language and how to express it, 3) forgive and heal past trauma, old wounds, and infidelity, 4) transform fear into love and renewed connection, 5) develop greater communication skills, 6) improve ALL your relationships, 7) learn to truly listen with your heart, 8) increase your self-esteem, 9) discover peace, love and joy, and 10) change your life into one of abundance and gratitude.

Sedona couples retreats
3. Where is the marriage retreat or couples retreat located?
Western Spirit is centered in Sedona, AZ, once voted “the most beautiful city in America”. It is located in red rock country at 4,500 ft elevation and is renown for its natural beauty and superior outdoor opportunities. Sedona also has a worldwide reputation as a serene spiritual destination known for its sacred vortex sites, that is, “power spots” long identified by past indigenous people for their spiritual healing energy. Your Sedona couples retreat or marriage retreat will include numerous empowering couples retreat or marriage retreat workshops held in a nearby Healing Arts Center and significant time in exciting outdoor activities in Sedona.

Sedona marriage retreats
4. What will be the cost of my Sedona couples retreat or marriage retreat and will I have private accommodations?
Western Spirit’s couples retreats and marriage retreat rates are simple and direct: $2,895 (+ tax) per couple for the long weekend retreat (Fri-Mon). Our Sedona couples retreats and marriage retreats are all-inclusive of your private room lodging in Sedona, all the empowering workshops, and the outdoor activities. Meals are not included because we have found that guests have differing food desires and budgetary limitations. Additional Sedona activities or souvenirs you may wish to choose on your own will be extra costs for you. Because Western Spirit is a 501c3 non-profit organization, our couples retreats and marriage retreat rates are among the lowest rates and best value in the Sedona area.

life-changing Sedona couples retreats
5. What types of Sedona couples retreats and marriage retreats do you offer and what is the size of your retreat groups?
Western Spirit is a small, all-inclusive (non-religious & non-denominational) organization that accepts only 2 guest couples at a time for our couples retreats or marriage retreats, allowing more time for personal attention, bonding and group synergy. We come together as both teachers and students for each other to support and learn from one another. We also offer personal retreats and women’s retreats, in addition to our couples retreats and marriage retreats.

empowering marriage retreats
6. What is included in my Sedona couples retreat or marriage retreat?
Western Spirit’s Sedona couples retreats or marriage retreats include: 1) your comfortable lodging in a local inn for four nights (guests arrive on Thursday afternoon and depart on Monday afternoon), 2) eight empowering and life-changing workshops, 3) daily guided meditations, 4) a tour of Sedona’s beauty and energy, 5) a visit to an ancient Indian ruins, and 6) a nurturing spa massage. No other couples retreat or marriage retreat offers so much for so little!
Our goal is to be here when you need us. Please call us with the weekend dates you have in mind for your couples retreat or marriage retreat. (“A truly life-changing week!” – Sarah, 2020). Improve your life and your relationship now! Learn more by completing our “INQUIRY FORM” now or call us at (602) 540-5808. At Western Spirit Enrichment Center’s couples retreats or marriage retreats, you will gain the time and freedom to
discover how to manifest a stronger, more loving relationship
empower yourself and your partner to forgive past wounds
heal individual and joint trauma that enables you to move forward
learn to truly listen and to communicate more effectively
reconnect with a new enlightened bond of love
These are the empowering couples retreats or marriage retreats workshops that will bring you closer together:
Strengthening Your Relationships
The Languages of Love
Discovering Your Hearts’ Desire
Listening with your Heart
Experiencing Enchanted Love
Healing Your Spirit
Developing Your Intuition
Nurturing Yourself Through Forgiveness
Recognizing Your Abundance
Western Spirit has had the privilege and honor of working with hundreds of couples in the past 23 years through our couples retreats and marriage retreats. Please read their testimonials below.
Self-discovery and introspection
Reconnection and commitment
Forgiveness and understanding
Healing past trauma
Listening and communication skills
Our Sedona couples retreats and marriage retreats will guide you and your spouse/partner along paths of self-discovery, growth, forgiveness and healing, regardless of the form of your romantic relationship (new couple, committed relationship, traditionally married, same-sex partnership), or your faith or religious background. Improve your life and your relationship now! Contact us for your marriage retreat or couples retreat by completing our “Inquiry Form” by clicking here. (This retreat was the best experience my wife and I had as a couple in our 10 years of marriage. We highly recommend it! – Mark & Brie, 2023)
Western Spirit Enrichment Center is an IRS-approved 501c3 non-profit (non-religious and non-denominational) spiritual retreat organization offering couples retreats and marriage retreats for 23 years. We operate on the universal principle that Spirit (God) is love, all humankind is connected, and we all have our own answers within. Whether you yearn to strengthen a new relationship, save a troubled relationship or marriage, or further improve and enrich an already strong partnership, our Sedona couples retreats or marriage retreats will benefit you and your partner for the rest of your life.
A Weekend of Reflection and Nature Through a Sedona Couples Retreat
Based on over 23 years of helping people to improve and rebalance their lives through our couples retreats and marriage retreats, we have found the perfect balance of learning, growing and fun in nature. We take care of the retreat’s agenda for you so that you can focus on the true purpose of your retreat—self-discovery, forgiveness, healing, communication, reconnection and recommitment . You and your partner will experience an incredible, unforgettable weekend of personal insight and natural beauty in which to refocus on your relationship with yourself and your partner, the underlying reality of your love, and the qualities that originally drew you together. Western Spirit Enrichment Center’s couples retreats or marriage retreats can benefit you! Improve your life and your relationship now! Contact us by completing our “INQUIRY FORM” by now or calling (602) 540-5808.
Sedona Couples Retreats or Marriage Retreats
Western Spirit Enrichment Center’s couples retreats and marriage retreats are small, personalized, and focused—no large groups to get lost in—allowing you lots of personal attention and pampering, as well as ample time and space to engage in the many empowering, relationship-changing workshop discussions.
Through these couples retreat or marriage retreat empowering workshops, you’ll discover new ways to truly listen to one another, communicate effectively, forgive and heal. You’ll find ideas, tools and resources that will make your relationship better, happier and more satisfying. Know in your heart that you and your partner deserve this opportunity to strengthen your love for each other through Western Spirit’s couples retreat or marriage retreat. INQUIRE HERE now!!
Our Sedona personal, women's and couples retreats all offer the perfect balance of individual and relationship growth, forgiveness, healing and increased self- love through:
Empowering Workshops
Be guided gently through our Sedona women's spiritual retreat along a path of self-discovery, forgiveness, and healing, regardless of your faith or religious background.
Exciting Outdoor Adventures
Explore the awesome red-rock beauty and magical vortices surrounding Sedona and the Grand Canyon.
Safe, Welcoming, Inclusive – Sedona Marriage Retreats & Couples Retreats
We welcome and value everyone from all spiritual paths and walks of life.
We offer you and your partner a safe and welcoming place where you will be loved and accepted completely for who you are. Go within, listen to your heart, and release any fear or trepidation you might be feeling about being guided on one of Western Spirit’s holistic, non-religious and non-denominational marriage retreats or couples retreats. You’ll experience memorable fun adventures together, strengthen your spiritual connection, and discover new ways to sustain and expand your hearts individually and together.
Your Hosts, Marian and Garrett, invite you to join us as you are guided through a transformative experience that will change your perspective and renew your sense of love, commitment and meaning through your couples retreat or marriage retreat.
Couples Retreats Benefits
A Western Spirit Couples Retreats or Marriage Retreats offers you the opportunity to:
- Awaken your relationship and rediscover your partner.
- Find the love, joy and passion possible in a conscious and spiritual relationship.
- Bring your relationship into nature and recharge your emotional and spiritual “batteries”.
- Learn the essential tools and principles that can keep love alive and growing.
- Develop a deeper connection with each other, with all beings, and with Spirit.
- Take communication and listening skills to a new level.
- Gain insights into what went wrong with previous relationships.
- Move beyond addictions and compulsive behaviour.
- Learn to truly forgive and move beyond emotional gridlock.
- Find greater intimacy, co-creativity and spiritual growth.
- Rediscover the dimensions of your relationship and your common goals.
- Discover the importance that positive affirmations have on your partner.
- Learn to see your partner anew, discover their positives and appreciate their blessings.
- Recognize and accept your partner’s gifts with grace and gratitude.
- Choose love over fear and develop a true spiritual connection with Spirit (God) and your partner.
- Recall your original vows and commitment, and make new agreements.
We welcome you to learn, discover, heal, and grow as a couple through a spiritual couples retreat or marriage retreat with Western Spirit Enrichment Center in beautiful Sedona, Arizona.
Ready to Reserve Your Spot?
Learn more about what our retreats include and how to book yours.
Why Attend a Couples Retreat or Marriage Retreat?
Your main source of learning and healing yourself is your relationships. Through the joy and pain of interaction with other people—your spouse, partner, relatives, friends, colleagues, co-workers, and strangers—you progress on your spiritual path in order to learn about yourself and love from all sides. Through this process, you will discover there is no separation of yourself from another. The realization of your true spiritual nature is a powerful healing force in a relationship, and love is the ultimate healer. Relationships need nurturing and attention to survive. Perhaps you need a couples retreat or marriage retreat now.
A true romantic relationship answers your need for connection, intimacy, adventure, magic and spirituality. But it is also a means of triggering your old “wounds”. You do your healing through relationships. The real purpose of an intimate relationship is not that it be a place where you can hide from your weaknesses, but rather where you can safely let them go. Through committed long-term relationships like marriage (whether formally wedded, “common-law”, committed partnership, same-sex), we all unconsciously seek those relationships that challenge us, mirror our most troublesome patterns, and offer us the opportunity to learn, grow, heal and be transformed. We seek out partnerships to experience aspects of ourselves that cannot be experienced when we are alone. This is what makes our relationships both exciting and difficult, adventurous and fearful. By attending a marriage retreat or couples retreat, you will come to understand these principals.
By loving more freely and without fear, you can renew your relationship through loving actions. Realize that your happiness comes from within first, not from outside you. Forgive the past; it is over. Learn from it and let it go. Through understanding and love you can dissolve fear and anger, for the task of love is to understand and forgive. The more love you give, the more love is returned to you. It is not how much you give, but how much love you put into the giving that is important. In a relationship retreat, like our Sedona Couples Retreat and Marriage Retreat, you will learn how to detach from your fears and negative emotions in order to give love—positively transforming yourself and your relationship.
Insurance Coverage
You may wish to check with your insurance carrier to see if a marriage retreat is covered under your policy’s mental-health or counseling provisions. The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act and the Affordable Health Care Act now require insurance companies to offer the same level of coverage for treating mental-health issues (such as domestic counseling, depression, addictions, alcoholism, eating disorders, substance-abuse, and other health problems) as they do for any other illness. If you or your partner are dealing with any of these issues, we can help. Couples are often referred to Western Spirit by their marriage counselor or therapist.
Your 4-Day Spiritual Retreat Includes:
Couples Retreat Rates:
$2,895 +tax USD per Couple
$1,450 initial deposit
Women's & Personal Retreat Rates:
$2,395 +tax USD per Person
$1,200 initial deposit
Western Spirit Enrichment Center is an Arizona IRS-approved 501 (c)3 non-profit organization. Our guest income, and your heartfelt tax-deductible contributions, enable us to continue to connect with people from all over the world and to assist them to improve their lives. We sincerely thank you for your kind generosity and wish you a thousand returns of your charity. Just as with love, the more we give, the more we receive!